The aim of PERK is to predict and visualize concentrations of pharmaceuticals in the aqueous environment.
PERK acronym for Predicting Environmental concentration and RisK, is an R/Shiny application tool, aims to facilitate automated modelling and reporting of predicted environmental concentrations of a comprehensive set of pharmaceuticals derived from a wide range of therapeutic classes with different mode of action.
The tool helps users,
This tool uses the prescription data from PrAna, an R package to calculate and visualize England NHS prescribing data.
The data used in PrAna are as follows,
Prescribing data and Practice information are from the monthly files published by the NHS Business Service Authority, used under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
BNF codes and names are also from the NHS Business Service Authority’s Information Portal, used under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
dm+d weekly release data is also from the NHS Business Service Authority’s Information Portal, used under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
The following dataset are provided from WWTP collaborators,
Catchment map used to define the boundaries and capture the GP Practices inside the catchments for the prescription data calculations.
Daily flow data used to calculate the load and population equivalent.
Population Equivalent number of inhabitants per catchment zone.
Site information required to predict information such as recovery percentage.
Water quality parameters to predict population equivalent.
The workflow in this tutorial consists of the following steps, as in the Figure 1.
Upload Data: Download template for the dataset and upload in the corresponding input holders.
Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel: Click on the relevant analysis and visualisation panel. PERK features three AV panels (1) Predicted, (2) Measured, (3) Predicted vs Measured.
Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS): Click respective analysis and visualisation setting (AVS) tab, to select the option to analyse and visualise datatable/plot
Plot settings: Click on the plot settings such as, color and line width for the better/suitable visualisation.
Download data: Click on the download buttons to download generated plot/data in publication friendly .pdf/.eps or .csv files.
Figure 1: PERK Workflow
PERK consist of several features, broadly categorized as three panels
Overview of the individual panels and their options can be found in Figure 2 and will be discussed in the following sections.
Figure 2. PERK: Features
Figure 3. PERK: Upload Data
Part | Remarks |
1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel |
2 | Full screen |
3 | Dark and Light mode |
4 | Plot settings |
5 | Data selection Area |
6 | Upload File Button |
7 | Download Template for the file |
8 | User Logout |
Download template
for the
dataset and upload in the corresponding input holders as in
Figure 3.Download template
button to
generate the comma separated value (.csv) file.Figure 4. Predicted: Prescription - AV Panel.
Different parts of the Predicted: Prescription
sub-panel and PERK
dashboard is highlighted in the
Figure 4 and listed in the Table
In Prescription sub-panel, user can select the period of their
interest using the Data Range
option, and select
prescription type (raw or population normalized) value using
Target type
and the site using Select the site
options in the analysis and visualisation settings (AVS) tab, as in
Figure 4
Part | Remarks |
1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel |
2 | Full screen |
3 | Dark and Light mode |
4 | Plot settings |
5 | Plot generated based on user selection |
6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel |
7 | User log-out |
8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format |
9 | Show Datatable |
Prescription trends in the Predicted (PC) panel, can generate long-term month wise raw prescription trends (kg/month), as in Figure 5 and population normalized daily loads based on prescription (PNDP) (mg/day/1000 inhabitants) as in Figure 6 .
User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot.
User can view the data table by checking the
Show Datatable
check box present below the download
Figure 5. PC: kg/month.
Figure 6. PC: PNDP.
Figure 7. Predicted: Predicted Concentrations - AV Panel.
Predicted: Predicted Concentrations
sub-panel and
dashboard is highlighted in the Figure
7 and listed in the Table 3.Part | Remarks |
1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel |
2 | Full screen |
3 | Dark and Light mode |
4 | Plot settings |
5 | Plot generated based on user selection |
6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel |
7 | User log-out |
8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format |
9 | Show Data table |
In the predicted concentrations sub-panel, user can select the
period of their interest using the Data Range
option, and
select prediction sample type (wastewater influent INF
wastewater effluent EFF
and river RDOWN
) using
Sample type
and the site using Select the site
options in the analysis and visualisation settings (AVS) tab, as in
Figure 7
Two types of prediction values can be visualised in this panel based on the prescription data,
: This prediction considers prescription based on
individual month,PEC_II
: This prediction is based on the prescription
per year.Figure 8. PC: concentration/month.
Figure 9. PC: concentration/period.
This panel visualise prediction per month for the selected period
as in the Figure 8, and total
prediction per selected period (ng/L)
, as in the
Figure 9
In addition, this panel also enables to compare month wise and
total predicted concentration of selected pharmaceuticals over different
environmental matrices, such as, INF
and compare over different WWTPs in the
User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot.
User can view the data table by checking the
Show Datatable
check box present below the download
Figure 10. Measured: Measured Concentrations - AV Panel.
tab and
dashboard is highlighted in the Figure
10 and listed in the Table 4.Part | Remarks |
1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel |
2 | Full screen |
3 | Dark and Light mode |
4 | Plot settings |
5 | Plot generated based on user selection |
6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel |
7 | User log-out |
8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format |
9 | Show Datatable |
In Measured
panel as in the Figure
10, user can select the period of their interest using the
Data Range
option, and select sample matrix type
- wastewater influent, EFF
- wastewater
effluent, RDOWN
- River Downstream, RUP
River upstream, SPM
- Solids) using
Sample type
, based on the user input dataset.
User can select the measurement type (Concentration, DL - Daily
Load, PNDL - Population normalised daily load) using
Measurement Type
, and the site by
Select the site
options in the analysis and visualisation
settings (AVS) tab, as in Figure 10
User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot.
User can view the data table by checking the
Show Datatable
check box present below the download
Figure 11. MC: concentration/month.
Figure 12. MC: concentration/period.
Three types of measured values can be visualised in this panel based on the measurement data uploaded by the user,
Concentration (ng/L)
: This is the raw concentration
values based on individual measurements.DL (mg/day)
: This is the Daily Load (DL) values based
on measurments normalised with the daily flow of wastewater for the
and EFF
, and river for the
and RUP
.PNDL (mg/day/1000 inhabitants)
: This is the Population
Normalised Daily Load values calculated based on the population in the
WWTP catchment and the daily flow.This panel visualise measurement per month for the selected
period (ng/L)
as in the Figure 11, and
total measurement per selected period (ng/L)
, as in the
Figure 12
Figure 13. Predicted vs Measured: Predicted vs Measured - AV Panel.
Predicted vs Measured: Predicted vs Measured
sub-panel and
dashboard is highlighted in the Figure
13 and listed in the Table 5.Part | Remarks |
1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel |
2 | Full screen |
3 | Dark and Light mode |
4 | Plot settings |
5 | Plot generated based on user selection |
6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel |
7 | User log-out |
8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format |
9 | Show Datatable |
In Predicted vs Measured
sub-panel, user can select
the period of their interest using the Select Period
option, and select sample type (wastewater influent INF
wastewater effluent EFF
and river RDOWN
) using
Select Sample type
and the site using
Select the site
options in the analysis and visualisation
settings (AVS) tab, as in Figure 13
Predicted vs Measured trends in the
Predicted vs Measured
(PCvsMC) panel, can generate measured
concentration vs PEC_I
and PEC_II
, predictions
based on monthly prescription as in Figure 14 and
prediction based on the prescription per year Figure 15
Figure 14. PCvsMC: PEC-I.
Figure 15. PCvsMC: PEC-II.
User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot.
User can view the data table by checking the
Show Datatable
check box present below the download
Predicted vs Measured: Prediction Accuracy
sub-panel and
dashboard is highlighted in the Figure
16 and listed in the Table 6.
Figure 16. Predicted vs Measured: Prediction Accuracy - AV Panel.
Part | Remarks |
1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel |
2 | Full screen |
3 | Dark and Light mode |
4 | Plot settings |
5 | Plot generated based on user selection |
6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel |
7 | User log-out |
8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format |
9 | Show Datatable |
Prediction Accuracy
sub-panel, user can select the
period of their interest using the Select Period
and select sample type (wastewater influent INF
, wastewater
effluent EFF
and river RDOWN
) using
Select Sample type
and the site using
Select the site
options in the analysis and visualisation
settings (AVS) tab, as in Figure 16Prediction Accuracy
(PA) panel, can generate trends in PA_I
, predictions based on monthly prescription as in
Figure 17 and prediction based on the prescription per
year respectively.Figure 17. PCvsMC: PA-I.
User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot.
User can view the data table by checking the
Show Datatable
check box present below the download
tab; and plot elements using the
tab as in the Figure 18 A
provides settings for changing the theme of the
Navigation Bar
, Sidebar
, and
in the user interface. This tab also offers the
option to switch between `Dark and ‘Light’ mode for the Control
tab as in the Figure 18 B
provides options for changing the fill colours in the generated
tab also provides options for changing the
plot line width in the X and Y axis and the point outline colour.
Figure 18. Plot Settings, A: Skin
Tab; B: Plot
This package was built as a part of the Wastewater Fingerprinting for Public Health Assessment (ENTRUST) and Innovative Pathway Control (IPC) project funded by Wessex Water and EPSRC IAA (grant no. EP/R51164X/1).
We accept no liability for any errors in the data or its publication here: use this data at your own risk. You should not use this data to make individual prescribing decisions.