--- title: "PERK-Walkthrough" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{PERK-Walkthrough} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r load_packages, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=FALSE} library(fontawesome) ``` # Introduction The aim of PERK is to predict and visualize concentrations of pharmaceuticals in the aqueous environment. PERK acronym for **P**redicting **E**nvironmental concentration and **R**is**K**, is an R/Shiny application tool, aims to facilitate automated modelling and reporting of predicted environmental concentrations of a comprehensive set of pharmaceuticals derived from a wide range of therapeutic classes with different mode of action. The tool helps users, - to input their measured concentration, - to compare the predicted and measured concentrations of the APIs by means of the PEC/MEC ratio, - to establish whether the predicted equations used tend to underestimate or overestimate measured values. - It provides a consistent interactive user interface in a familiar dashboard layout, enabling users to visualise predicted values and compare with their measured values without any hassles. - Users can download data and graphs generated using the tool in .csv or publication ready images (.pdf, .eps). # Data sources: ## Prescription Data For England: This tool uses the prescription data from [PrAna](https://bmcmedinformdecismak.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12911-021-01727-z), an R package to calculate and visualize England NHS prescribing data. The data used in PrAna are as follows, - Prescribing data and Practice information are from the monthly files published by the NHS Business Service Authority, used under the terms of the Open Government Licence. - BNF codes and names are also from the NHS Business Service Authority's Information Portal, used under the terms of the Open Government Licence. - dm+d weekly release data is also from the NHS Business Service Authority's Information Portal, used under the terms of the Open Government Licence. ## WWTP Data: The following dataset are provided from WWTP collaborators, - Catchment map used to define the boundaries and capture the GP Practices inside the catchments for the prescription data calculations. - Daily flow data used to calculate the load and population equivalent. - Population Equivalent number of inhabitants per catchment zone. - Site information required to predict information such as recovery percentage. - Water quality parameters to predict population equivalent. ## API properties - Metabolites and Excretion factors collected from research articles and data repositories such as Drug bank. - Recovery percentage collected from research articles, calculated from measured concentration from previous experiments, predicted using WWTP site information. - Physio-chemical properties collected from research articles and data repositories. - Site information required to predict information such as recovery percentage. - Eco-toxicity data collected from research articles and data repositories. # Workflow {#sec-workflow} ```{r, setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_template$set(fullwidth = list( fig.width = 4, fig.height = 4, fig.retina = 2, out.width = '50%', out.height = '50%' )) ``` The workflow in this tutorial consists of the following steps, as in the **Figure 1**. - Upload Data: Download template for the dataset and upload in the corresponding input holders. - Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel: Click on the relevant analysis and visualisation panel. PERK features three AV panels (1) Predicted, (2) Measured, (3) Predicted vs Measured. - Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS): Click respective analysis and visualisation setting (AVS) tab, to select the option to analyse and visualise datatable/plot - Plot settings: Click on the plot settings such as, color and line width for the better/suitable visualisation. - Download data: Click on the download buttons to download generated plot/data in publication friendly .pdf/.eps or .csv files. ```{r fig-workflow, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 1: PERK Workflow", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/perk_workflow-min.png") ``` # PERK Features {#sec-features} - PERK consist of several features, broadly categorized as three panels (1) Upload Data (2) Predicted (3) Measured (4) Predicted vs Measured - Overview of the individual panels and their options can be found in **Figure 2** and will be discussed in the following sections. ```{r fig-features, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 2. PERK: Features", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/perk_features-min.png") ``` # Upload Data {#sec-upload-data} ```{r fig-upload-data, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 3. PERK: Upload Data", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/datainput-min.png") ``` | Part | Remarks | |------|---------------------------------------| | 1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel | | 2 | Full screen | | 3 | Dark and Light mode | | 4 | Plot settings | | 5 | Data selection Area | | 6 | Upload File Button | | 7 | Download Template for the file | | 8 | User Logout | : Table 1. Upload Data: Data Input - In this panel, user can `Download template` for the dataset and upload in the corresponding input holders as in **Figure 3**. - User can click on the `Download template` button to generate the comma separated value (.csv) file. - Once the template is downloaded, user can add in or convert their dataset to corresponding template and upload it in the corresponding input holders to do the analysis and visualisation. # Predicted (PC) {#sec-predicted} - Predicted (PC) panel, has two sub-panels (1) Prescription: to analyse and visualise the prescription trends and (2) Predicted Concentrations: to analyse and visualise the prediction trends based on user inputs. # Predicted: Prescription {#sec-pred-presc} ```{r fig-predicted01, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 4. Predicted: Prescription - AV Panel.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/predicted01-min.png") ``` - Different parts of the `Predicted: Prescription` sub-panel and `PERK` dashboard is highlighted in the **Figure 4** and listed in the **Table 2**. - In Prescription sub-panel, user can select the period of their interest using the `Data Range` option, and select prescription type (raw or population normalized) value using `Target type` and the site using `Select the site` options in the analysis and visualisation settings (AVS) tab, as in **Figure 4** | Part | Remarks | |------|------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel | | 2 | Full screen | | 3 | Dark and Light mode | | 4 | Plot settings | | 5 | Plot generated based on user selection | | 6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel | | 7 | User log-out | | 8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format | | 9 | Show Datatable | : Table 2. Predicted: Prescription Sub-Panel - Prescription trends in the Predicted (PC) panel, can generate long-term month wise raw prescription trends (kg/month), as in **Figure 5** and population normalized daily loads based on prescription (PNDP) (mg/day/1000 inhabitants) as in **Figure 6** . - User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot. - User can view the data table by checking the `Show Datatable` check box present below the download buttons. ```{r fig-prescraw, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 5. PC: kg/month.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/prescplot01-1-min.png") ``` ```{r fig-prescpndp, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 6. PC: PNDP.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/prescplot02-1-min.png") ``` # Predicted: Predicted Concentration {#sec-pred-pec} ```{r fig-predicted02, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 7. Predicted: Predicted Concentrations - AV Panel.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/predicted02-min.png") ``` - Different parts of the `Predicted: Predicted Concentrations` sub-panel and `PERK` dashboard is highlighted in the **Figure 7** and listed in the **Table 3**. | Part | Remarks | |------------|------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel | | 2 | Full screen | | 3 | Dark and Light mode | | 4 | Plot settings | | 5 | Plot generated based on user selection | | 6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel | | 7 | User log-out | | 8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format | | 9 | Show Data table | : Table 3. Predicted: Predicted Concentrations Sub-Panel - In the predicted concentrations sub-panel, user can select the period of their interest using the `Data Range` option, and select prediction sample type (wastewater influent `INF`, wastewater effluent `EFF` and river `RDOWN`) using `Sample type` and the site using `Select the site` options in the analysis and visualisation settings (AVS) tab, as in **Figure 7** - Two types of prediction values can be visualised in this panel based on the prescription data, - `PEC_I`: This prediction considers prescription based on individual month, - `PEC_II`: This prediction is based on the prescription per year. ::: {layout-ncol="2"} ```{r fig-predicted03, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 8. PC: concentration/month.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/predplot01-1-min.png") ``` ```{r fig-predicted04, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 9. PC: concentration/period.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/predplot02-1-min.png") ``` ::: - This panel visualise prediction per month for the selected period `(ng/L)` as in the **Figure 8**, and total prediction per selected period `(ng/L)`, as in the **Figure 9** - In addition, this panel also enables to compare month wise and total predicted concentration of selected pharmaceuticals over different environmental matrices, such as, `INF`, `EFF` and `RDOWN` and compare over different WWTPs in the study. - User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot. - User can view the data table by checking the `Show Datatable` check box present below the download buttons. ## Measured (MC) {#sec-measured} ```{r fig-measured01, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 10. Measured: Measured Concentrations - AV Panel.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/measured01-min.png") ``` - Different parts of the `Measured` tab and `PERK` dashboard is highlighted in the **Figure 10** and listed in the **Table 4**. | Part | Remarks | |------|------------------------------------| | 1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel | | 2 | Full screen | | 3 | Dark and Light mode | | 4 | Plot settings | | 5 | Plot generated based on user selection | | 6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel | | 7 | User log-out | | 8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format | | 9 | Show Datatable | : Table 4. Measured Panel - In `Measured` panel as in the **Figure 10**, user can select the period of their interest using the `Data Range` option, and select sample matrix type (`INF` - wastewater influent, `EFF` - wastewater effluent, `RDOWN` - River Downstream, `RUP` - River upstream, `SPM` - Solids) using `Sample type`, based on the user input dataset. - User can select the measurement type (Concentration, DL - Daily Load, PNDL - Population normalised daily load) using `Measurement Type`, and the site by `Select the site` options in the analysis and visualisation settings (AVS) tab, as in **Figure 10** - User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot. - User can view the data table by checking the `Show Datatable` check box present below the download buttons. ::: {layout-ncol="2"} ```{r fig-mcmonth, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 11. MC: concentration/month.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/mcplot01-1-min.png") ``` ```{r fig-mctotal, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 12. MC: concentration/period.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/mcplot02-1-min.png") ``` ::: - Three types of measured values can be visualised in this panel based on the measurement data uploaded by the user, - `Concentration (ng/L)`: This is the raw concentration values based on individual measurements.\ - `DL (mg/day)`: This is the Daily Load (DL) values based on measurments normalised with the daily flow of wastewater for the `INF`and `EFF`, and river for the `RDOWN` and `RUP`. - `PNDL (mg/day/1000 inhabitants)`: This is the Population Normalised Daily Load values calculated based on the population in the WWTP catchment and the daily flow. - This panel visualise measurement per month for the selected period `(ng/L)` as in the **Figure 11**, and total measurement per selected period `(ng/L)`, as in the **Figure 12** # Predicted vs Measured {#sec-pcvsmc} - Predicted vs Measured (PC vs MC) panel, has two sub-panels (1) Predicted vs Measured: to analyse and visualise the predicted trends vs measured trends and (2) Prediction Accuracy - PA: to analyse and visualise the prediction accuracy. ## Predicted vs Measured: Predicted vs Measured {#sec-pcvsmc-pcvsmc} ```{r fig-pcsvsmc01, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 13. Predicted vs Measured: Predicted vs Measured - AV Panel.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/pcvsmc01-min.png") ``` - Different parts of the `Predicted vs Measured: Predicted vs Measured` sub-panel and `PERK` dashboard is highlighted in the **Figure 13** and listed in the **Table 5**. | Part | Remarks | |------|------------------------------------| | 1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel | | 2 | Full screen | | 3 | Dark and Light mode | | 4 | Plot settings | | 5 | Plot generated based on user selection | | 6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel | | 7 | User log-out | | 8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format | | 9 | Show Datatable | : Table 5. Predicted vs Measured: Predicted vs Measured Sub-Panel - In `Predicted vs Measured` sub-panel, user can select the period of their interest using the `Select Period` option, and select sample type (wastewater influent `INF`, wastewater effluent `EFF` and river `RDOWN`) using `Select Sample type` and the site using `Select the site` options in the analysis and visualisation settings (AVS) tab, as in **Figure 13** - Predicted vs Measured trends in the `Predicted vs Measured` (PCvsMC) panel, can generate measured concentration vs `PEC_I` and `PEC_II`, predictions based on monthly prescription as in **Figure 14** and prediction based on the prescription per year **Figure 15** respectively. ::: {layout-ncol="2"} ```{r fig-pcvsmcplot1, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 14. PCvsMC: PEC-I.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/pcvsmcplot01-1-min.png") ``` ```{r fig-pcvsmcplot2, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 15. PCvsMC: PEC-II.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/pcvsmcplot02-1-min.png") ``` ::: - User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot. - User can view the data table by checking the `Show Datatable` check box present below the download buttons. ## Predicted vs Measured: Prediction Accuracy {#sec-pcvsmc-pa} - Different parts of the `Predicted vs Measured: Prediction Accuracy` sub-panel and `PERK` dashboard is highlighted in the **Figure 16** and listed in the **Table 6**. ```{r fig-pcsvsmc02, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 16. Predicted vs Measured: Prediction Accuracy - AV Panel.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/pcvsmc02-min.png") ``` | Part | Remarks | |------|------------------------------------| | 1 | Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel | | 2 | Full screen | | 3 | Dark and Light mode | | 4 | Plot settings | | 5 | Plot generated based on user selection | | 6 | Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel | | 7 | User log-out | | 8 | Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format | | 9 | Show Datatable | : Table 6. Predicted vs Measured: Prediction Accuracy Sub-Panel - In `Prediction Accuracy` sub-panel, user can select the period of their interest using the `Select Period` option, and select sample type (wastewater influent `INF`, wastewater effluent `EFF` and river `RDOWN`) using `Select Sample type` and the site using `Select the site` options in the analysis and visualisation settings (AVS) tab, as in **Figure 16** - Prediction Accuracy trends in the `Prediction Accuracy` (PA) panel, can generate trends in `PA_I` and `PA_II`, predictions based on monthly prescription as in **Figure 17** and prediction based on the prescription per year respectively. ```{r fig-paplot01, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 17. PCvsMC: PA-I.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/paplot01-1-min.png") ``` - User can download the generated plot as publication-friendly images in .pdf/.eps format, user can also download the images in .png format and data generated for the plot as .csv file using the download buttons present below the plot. - User can view the data table by checking the `Show Datatable` check box present below the download buttons. # Plot Settings {#settings} - Plot settings `r fa("screwdriver-wrench", fill = "grey")`, feature offers various options for controlling and customising the user interface using the `skin` tab; and plot elements using the `plot` tab. - The `skin` tab as in the **Figure 18 A** provides settings for changing the theme of the `Navigation Bar`, `Sidebar`, and `Accents` in the user interface. This tab also offers the option to switch between `Dark and 'Light' mode for the Control Bar. - The `plot` tab as in the **Figure 18 B** provides options for changing the fill colours in the generated plots. - The `plot` tab also provides options for changing the plot line width in the X and Y axis and the point outline colour. ```{r fig-plotsetting, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap="Figure 18. Plot Settings, A: `Skin` Tab; B: `Plot` Tab.", out.width="100%"} knitr::include_graphics("img/plot-settings.png") ``` # Acknowledgements {#acknowledgements} This package was built as a part of the **Wastewater Fingerprinting for Public Health Assessment (ENTRUST)** and **Innovative Pathway Control (IPC)** project funded by Wessex Water and EPSRC IAA (grant no. EP/R51164X/1). ## Disclaimer We accept no liability for any errors in the data or its publication here: use this data at your own risk. You should not use this data to make individual prescribing decisions.